Primate Diversity In Bwindi Forest National Park

Primate Diversity in Bwindi Forest National Park

The Nature Of The Primates In Bwindi Forest

Bwindi Impenetrable Forest is known for its exceptional primate diversity, showcasing a variety of primate species that thrive within its dense vegetation. Bwindi is famous for harboring the remaining population of the mountain gorillas in the world, the park too is a home other primate species which can be sighted during the gorilla trek in the forest. Mountain gorillas are the highlight of all the safaris in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest national park, many travelers in the park, mainly come in for gorilla trekking among other activities including; Bird watching, Nature walk, Batwa community visit among others. Listed below are some of the primates you can encounter in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park.

Mountain Gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei):

The star attraction of Bwindi Impenetrable Forest, mountain gorillas are the most sought-after primate species in the park. They are a critically endangered species, and Bwindi is home to approximately half of the world’s population of mountain gorillas. The gorillas are distributed in four different sectors of the park with both harboring the different habituated gorilla groups which have been opened for trekking by the visitors in the park. Besides tracking gorillas in Bwindi, one can also visit Mgahinga Gorilla national park for gorilla trekking. Mgahinga has got only one habituated gorilla family Named Nyakagenzi which was been crossing in to Rwanda and DRC but have currently settled in Mgahinga gorilla national park in Rwanda.

In order to track the gorillas in Uganda, all visitors are advised to have a gorilla trekking which is document that allows you to see the Gorillas in their natural habitat. The Gorilla permits are issued by the Uganda wildlife Authority, you can book them directly or through a trusted tour operator, alternatively reach to us at adventure in the wild safaris, and we will check for the availability of the permits and reserve the permits for you early in advance before they get sold out. you are also advised to book the permits early enough since they limited per gorilla sector and often get sold out.

Besides the famous gorilla trekking, there is also Gorilla Habituation Experience which is a lot more than gorilla habituation, although it’s a bit costly compared to gorilla trekking, the price is worth it. while gorilla trekking allows you one hour with the apes, gorilla Habituation allows you 4 hours with the gorillas during the Habituation. Habituation involves the process by which a gorilla group is often visited by the researchers, scientist and rangers and takes about 2-3 yours for the process to rendered complete, this exercise is often conducted order for the gorillas to get used to the sight of humans before they are declared for trekking by the visitors coming in to see the gorillas.

Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes):

Bwindi Impenetrable Forest is not only known for its gorillas but also harbors a population of chimpanzees. Though not as commonly seen as the gorillas, the forest is home to a significant number of chimpanzees but they are not Habituated therefore, they are not often visited but you may catch sight while on gorilla trekking in the forest.

Black-and-White Colobus Monkeys (Colobus guereza):

These striking monkeys are easily recognizable by their black fur and long white hair on their shoulders, creating a distinctive cape-like appearance. They are known for their acrobatic leaps and live in large social groups, which can often be observed leaping through the treetops.

L’Hoest’s Monkeys (Cercopithecus lhoesti):

L’Hoest’s monkeys are medium-sized primates with a dark coat and a white ruff of fur around their face. They are endemic to the Albertine Rift region and can be found in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest. They are known for their shy and elusive nature.

Red-Tailed Monkeys (Cercopithecus Ascanius):

These monkeys have a reddish-brown coloration and a long, bright red tail. They are active and agile, often moving through the forest canopy. Red-tailed monkeys can be spotted in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest, adding to the primate diversity of the area.

Blue Monkeys (Cercopithecus mitis):

Blue monkeys have a bluish-grey coat and are known for their vibrant blue face and rear end. They are arboreal and live in small groups. Bwindi Impenetrable Forest provides a habitat for blue monkeys, and visitors may encounter them during their trekking or hiking experiences.

Apart from these notable primates, Bwindi Impenetrable Forest is also home to other primate species such as baboons, vervet monkeys, and olive baboons. The diverse range of primates in Bwindi showcases the park’s significance as a primate conservation hotspot, highlighting the importance of its preservation and protection.

Visiting Bwindi Impenetrable Forest for primate safaris, is one of the most interesting and once in a life time safari experience you ought not to miss while on safari tour in Uganda. Uganda, the pearl of Africa is one of the top tourist destinations for primates’ and also Kibale forest for chimpanzee trekking as well as Uganda’s fascinating wildlife safaris in various national parks including, Murchison falls national home to the big 4 of the 5 wild games, queen Elizabeth National Park for the tree climbing lions, Lake Mburo national park and Kidepo valley national park among other national parks in Uganda.
Besides the primate species, Bwindi National Park is also a birder watching paradise. The park has got 350 recorded bird species and 14 of which have not been recorded else where in Uganda. for Unique bird watching experience, visit Bwindi Impenetrable Forest national park. some of the bird which are Albertine Rift endemics, visit Ruhija and Buhoma sectors of Bwindi for stunning bird views. within the park, there also over 200 species of Butterflies, Therefore, Bwindi is not only rich in primate’s species, the forest has got a lot more to offer beyond gorilla trekking. Bird species in Bwindi Include; Doherty’s bush strike, Rwenzori nightjar, black billed turaco, black beef eater, montane oriole, handsome francoline, kivu ground thrush and the regal sunbird, Grauer’s Warbler, Graueria Vittata, African Green Broadbill, chapins fly catcher, Rwenzori Batis, Tit Hylia ,Strange weaver, Dusky Twinspot, Montane Oriole among others.

Popular Safaris

  • 10 Days Kibale Forest Chimp Trek
  • 15 Days Kibale Primates Safari
  • 20 Days Unique Primates Of Kibale
  • 8 Days Chimps & Red Tail Monkey
  • 7 Days Kibale Birding In The Forest
  • 25 Days Colobus Monkey Kibale

All About Kibale

  • History Of The Park
  • Things To Do
  • Places To See
  • Getting There