Timing a Wonderful Visit To Bwindi Forest

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Timing a Wonderful Visit To Bwindi Forest (Best Time To Visit Bwindi National Park ) 

When planning a magical encounter of the mountain gorillas, its crucial to get to know when is it easy to trek the areas of Bwindi with consideration that this is an activity that requires going deep in the Bwindi forest where there is lots of different landscape and climate types, Some are slippery, other are hilly and more, so we are here to know all about timing a wonderful visit to Bwindi forest national park made for enthusiastic travelers awaiting to travel to Uganda, Home to the Wonderful primates famously known as the mountain gorillas. If your reading this and you would like to join an adventure to see the world’s astonishing primates then send us an email or WhatsApp. 

Whether you are a travel blogger, nature lover or a holiday traveler, picking best times to start your journey has got to be a hectic experience so we are here to make your travel to Africa as easy as possible give you time to focus on more meaningful analysis. The best timing for a wonderful visit to Bwindi Forest National Park is marked in the following months i.e January, February, June, July, August, and December are the driest months in a season in both the northern and southern areas of Uganda.  

In these hot months of the year, daytime temperatures peaking in the high 20o CC in the south and in the 300 CC in the north. Very few rains may be encountered in such months but it won’t mean that no rains at all since as the world knows it, Uganda is the Pearl Of Africa.  

On a brief summary, timing a wonderful visit to Bwindi Forest is suggested in the driest months which is also known as the peak season so for you to travel and have a memorable gorilla trekking experience, its recommended to reserve your visit in advance with a local tour operator who will recommend different lodgings and tailored safari including other experiences like wildlife viewing in the parks of Uganda.  

Having listed the best time to visit Bwindi Forest, March, April, May, September, October, and November are the wettest months in Uganda. Some park lodging is closed and roads in some parks may be impassable due to rain. It’s low season for tourism, and it’s not an ideal time to travel for gorilla trekking and wildlife viewing but if you’re willing to put up with heavy thundershowers, challenging roads/trails, and difficult hiking to find gorillas, then it’s a go. 

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